changing impossible to possibleIn an ideal world, the hiring process would be so flawless and efficient that every employee would be perfectly suited to their position and would have a complete understanding of their role from day one. Growth within the company would happen naturally, and as an employee gained the trust and confidence of his/her superiors, their responsibilities would increase at a proportional rate.

In reality, employee growth often happens in fits and starts, with a vast increase in one area often accompanied by stagnant skill acquisition in another. The pace and direction of an employee’s contributions can vary, and some of her greatest contributions can be among the most difficult to measure. Just like the evaluation process, the goal setting process is best approached with a dose of common sense and an understanding of the flexibility of human nature. As long as managers and employees keep the process meaningful and realistic, goal setting can be vital to employee growth and company productivity.

Here are a few common circumstances that can derail realistic goal setting. If you see these things happening, take control of the process and steer it back on track.

Employees are being compared to an unexamined standard. Employees need to meet and exceed expectations. But how are these expectations established? What is the gold standard, how is it measured, and how often is it reviewed and changed?

Employee resources are not being considered during the evaluation and goal setting process. Are employees working with limited tools under circumstances that undermine performance? If the answer is “I don’t know”, find out. Goals are realistic only when resources are taken into account.

Employees are being compared to each other, and nothing else. What productivity measurements are standard for the industry? Your geographic area? Research this before putting goals in place.

Performance is excellent but growth is slow, or vice versa. Often the most productive employees don’t Read More

santa‘Tis the season for appraisals and assessments. It’s a magical time of year when all of the company’s elves are formally evaluated for their performance over the past year (or past few months – depending on the frequency of evaluations) and the jingle jangle of SMART goal setting can be heard for miles.

It is the perfect time of year for employees on the ‘Nice’ list to be rewarded for their talent and contribution to company success. It is also a time for corrective action to be taken to address any ‘Naughty’ elves who have fallen short of performance expectations. But as the elves busy to engage in a fair and consistent review process – what about the managers, the “Santas”, who are completing your assessments and reviews? What do they get to find in their stockings? And how are they graded, not just as employees, but as bosses?

It is no Holiday fable that a strong management team is the backbone of any company. “Nice” managers (the ones who are effective, productive, trustworthy, and diplomatic) should know how they’re coming off as coaches and leaders. And they should be rewarded and acknowledged for the skill sets that only their employees have a daily opportunity to see. Some of the most vital talents a manager can bring to a company aren’t always visible from the top down. Likewise, in a purely top-down review process, managerial shortcomings are often overlooked, leaving abused, confused or otherwise unsatisfied underlings with their voices unheard and these shortcomings uncorrected.

Don’t let bad Santas place a drain on year-round company productivity. This year, consider a 360 review process that Read More

Avoiding Appraisal Season HeadachesThe employee appraisal process is a vital component of any productive workplace. There’s no way around this critical task, and as long as human beings drive the workplace, the process will involve a human element that can never be fully automated. HR managers, directors, and department heads will always need to spend a few hours carefully considering the accomplishments and contributions of each employee, and this process will always involve face-to-face meetings, thoughtful self-evaluations, and individually tailored goal-setting. But there are some aspects of the review process that can easily be handed over to cutting-edge HR management software applications. Before you face a few of these annual headaches this year, consider a technology upgrade that can save time, reduce errors, and help you manage data more efficiently.


Headache 1: Quantification

No matter what criteria you use to evaluate your employees, these criteria need to be measurable, comparable, consistent, and fair. Certain aspects of the review can remain open ended or qualified by written comments, but at least half of your evaluation criteria should be quantifiable and should be recorded on a numeric scale. If you haven’t shaped your evaluation process around this model yet, you do not need to invent the wheel alone. HR management applications are available that can help you identify measurable criteria and areas of focus that apply to your specific business model. emPerform’s online appraisals allow companies to use numeric or text rating scales that can be translated to numbers for reporting.


Headache 2: Data Comparison

Even when it’s easy to recognize, employee merit can be difficult to compare across broad populations. Performance that seems poor or exceptional may present a different impression when compared side by side with that of equally experienced employees engaged in the same task. How good is good? What are your standard learning curves? If an employee enters the company at a slow productivity level, how fast should she be expected to advance? How does an individual employee’s error rate measure against an established standard? Don’t struggle with these calculations yearly when the right HR management software tool can help.


Headache 3: Inefficient Record Keeping

In addition to comparing performance numbers across broad populations, you’ll need to compare each employee’s current performance with records. This will help you gain an understanding of individual and standard rates of progress. You can also use advanced record-keeping software to compare numbers across other data sets. For example, if productivity growth in a sector is slow, are the employees to blame, or does the manager bear responsibility? Accurate long-term record keeping can help you identify problems at the source, but only if your data is kept timely and relevant – impossible feats with spreadsheets and manual record keeping.

If you would like to avoid appraisal season headaches, contact emPerform and get a first-hand look at how an automated performance management solution can help you overcome appraisal pains, save time, reduce errors, and help you manage data more efficiently.